Safety Teaching For Women

Don't Become A Victim!

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I'm about to get very raw and real with you.

At the tender age of 17, I found myself the victim of an attacker. I had known this attacker for a couple of years, and thought that he was harmless. Thankfully, I was a very strong young lady, as I had always been athletic. I was able to fight him off, all without knowing any self defense, like I do now. My situation could have turned out much worse. That event changed me for life. It showed me that I needed to stop being naive and to think smarter.

Several years later, I became friends with a young woman that I'll call "Sheila". One evening, Sheila decided to make a late night, grocery store trip. As Sheila was putting her groceries in the trunk of her car, in full view, of a the parking lot, a man came up behind her. He held a weapon to her and forced her into the car. (Your survival chances go down by some 75% if an assailant ever gets you into a vehicle). Without going into details, Sheila survived that, but spent many years in therapy, and surgeries.

My desire is that events as described above, or worse, never happen to you.

Years down the road, I took up Krav Maga.

I've trained financially disadvantaged women in self defense techniques. But, that isn't what this course is about. The purpose is to teach you how to hopefully avoid having to resort to the physical act of having to defend yourself. Even if you come out the victor, it will still leave you emotionally scarred for sometime to come.

The goal here is to teach you new skills to help you to avoid becoming someone's victim. You no longer have to live in a large city to find yourself in danger. Danger lurks all around. I want you to learn how to stop being gullible, and putting yourself in situations that could cause you great harm. Learn clever techniques, and how to think ahead, thus, hopefully, avoiding danger.

As I add or change courses, you will always have lifetime access to any new updates.

Your Instructor

Kristin Clinton
Kristin Clinton

Kristin Clinton has vast experience in the areas of: Self defense/personal safety, as well as Branding, Digital Marketing, and PR.

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

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